Today I am staying home with my big little girl. My husband needed to go to work, and we could not find any other sitter. Besides, I think she has a cold and not many other people would want to take her with a cold. The only thing hard for me as I watch and play with her today is that she is growing up.
Still, she is my baby. She is my first born. She will always be my little girl. She climbs up on the dining room table unassisted now. She gets stuff out of drawers. She likes to pick up her own food to eat as she says, "Do it?" She wants to do it. She wants to do everything.
She wants to walk when we are out and about. She wants to go up to garage sales with mommy on Saturday mornings, not sit in the car with daddy. She wants to run and play in the grass while daddy works in the yard. She wants to pick the dandelions and blow off all the little seeds. She wants to get a whole apple and eat it.
She still wants to cuddle at night before bed after we do our jammy time dance. She wants to fall asleep in my arms and then go to bed. She wants to kiss goodbye every time we leave. She is so sweet.
I guess I just need to realize she is not a baby anymore. She is still my baby; she is just growing up to be a wonderful big little girl.
Enjoy your day. They are always your baby. Always.