Friday, May 29, 2009

Allergic reactions

Well, my little Livie is now in a full blown allergic reaction to something. She has broken out all over her tummy and back, her neck and a little on her face. She is all stuffed up, and she has an ear infection. She is remarkably cheerful for all of that. The sad thing from her perspective is that they have taken her off of everything that could have caused it. She can no longer eat her rice or oatmeal cereal, which she loves. (The only way she would open her mouth at the doctor's for the doctor to look at her throat was for me to get her spoon out and act like I was going to feed her.):) She cannot use her lotion. She cannot use her medicine for outside allergies. She is even on her first dose of antibiotics. But, she is still smiling. I love being a mommy. I love being her mommy. She was up last night three times in the middle of the night, and once I got over looking at the clock and saying, "again?", I just thought about how privileged I am to have her. I was having my own little miracle moment in the middle of the night, realizing the blessing she is and how lucky I am that God gave her to me. She is my little miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dee. I was up last night too. So was Megan. If you're ever up at 3am, call me on my cell. That's our medicine and diaper changing time. At least there was no school today. So sorry to hear that you have to take Livie off all that stuff. Hope she clears up soon and you can start adding her cereal back at least. I know she loves it. Love ya, Dee.
