Monday, August 29, 2011

Weight Loss and Starting Over

Well, the last year has had a lot of ups and downs. We I got really sick after Abby was born. I ended up in the hospital twice and one serious meds for about eight weeks. I had to extend my maternityleave by four weeks because I was not physically able to go back to work when I was scheduled. Now, I am trying to get myself healthy. I am going to use this as sort of a weight loss updater so that I can keep myself accountable.

I signed up for a half-marathon walk that will take place on October 15, 2011. I have seven weeks to get myself ready for it. I started working toward the goal at the beginning of the summer, but have slacked off since then. I am not setting my sights on that goal once again. I am hoping that it will help me lose weight, also.

I have a goal to be down 30 pounds from where I started the year by the time we get back from vacation on January 6. At my last weigh-in, I was just down 4.8 from where I started the year. So, I have from August 23 to January 6 to lose another 25.2. I know I can do it, I just really need to buckly down and work. I am going to update this weekly and tell you guys how I am doing. Hopefully, this will turn into a great success story blog and will serve to inspire me and others in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Want to go for a walk with me tonight? I have lots to tell you about today.
